The majority of what happens on Makerble takes place within a project
Every story belongs to a single project
Every project belongs to a single charity
Users can be part of several projects
A user can have up to three Roles on a project (although in practice they usually only have one due to the design of the front-end)
Editor (called Manager in the front-end) = administrative capabilities
Reporter = read & write
Observer = read only
Front-end documentation of users' project roles (Note: users are often referred to as Colleagues in the front-end)
API Documentation
Desc: Get all projects
url: /projects
params: default params
response example: default response example (multiple records)
Desc: Get a single project
url: /projects/:id
response example: default response example (single record)
Desc: add users in project
url: /api/v2/projects/add_colleague.json