The Quick Update popup allows you to post an update without leaving your Progress Board or My Home
Info |
Quick Updates are always about Each Quick Update can only contain progress towards a single goal or sub goal on one Progress Tracker on a single project |
Note |
To use the Quick Update popup on a Progress Board, you must first create a Progress Board |
Launch the Quick Update popup by pressing the blue “+” button in the row of Card buttons at the bottom of each Card
If this is a Card for an Album Goal, there may be the Select Project dropdown at the top of the popup that allows you to choose which of your Album Projects this update is about. (You can only choose projects that also track that goal or sub goalhave that Progress Tracker in their strategy)
If there are contacts on your project that you have access to, you can tag them in your update.
The specific tagging option available will depend on the type of goal or sub goal being tracked
A tick box appear next to each contact for Participation Goals and Tick box sub goals
A multiple choice scale appears next to each contact for Multiple Choice sub goals
A numerical entry box appears next to each contact for Numerical sub goals
By default you will only be able to select contacts who are in the Enrolled state of the project. To select contacts in another state, user the State filter.
If there are no contacts in your project or if showing Anonymous Contacts are alongside tagged contacts is enabled on your project, you can log a the number of people and disaggregate that number by age, gender or several other demographic segments using the Categorise button
Optionally Add text to your update
Optionally Add an attachment
Optionally Backdate your update to a date in the past (You cannot set a date in the future)
Press Publish
The card on your Progress Board will update to show the latest progress from your update.